Headstone Cleaning
As headstones age, they can develop a pantina that gives them character. Most cemetery preservationists agree that the natural aging of a headstone should not be interfered with. If plants such as algae are growing on the stone, however, that is a completely different matter - it can be a danger to the monument.
Algae, lichen, and fungi (that may be green, black, gray, yellow, red, orange, brown, or blue) can be hazardous to headstones because they trap moisture on (and under the surface of) the stone. They also secrete acids that can dissolve limestone, marble, sandstone, concrete, and mortar.
The other problem that algae, lichen and fungi growth can cause is the erasing of the memorial itself. As you can see in this photograph, years and years of vegetation growth on the headstone has literally filled in the inscription. It is no longer visible at all - this memorial to the resting place of a person cannot be identified. If it was cleaned, it would once again stand in honor of the person buried below it.
We never scrape or use any type of abrasive on headstones to remove any plants. Instead, we simply spray on a layer of D/2 Biological Solution. D/2 contains no bleach or acids, and won't leave behind salts that damage stone. D/2 is a nearly pH-neutral quaternary ammonium solution with surfactants that help carry surface contaminants away. No other solution is more trusted by architectural and monument conservators. D/2 is trusted from the White House to Arlington Cemetery.